Cloud, DevOps

CI/CD Flask AWS load balacer

Project URL:

Flask AWS Load Balancer


This project is a containerized Flask web application that is automatically deployed to AWS using GitHub Actions. The deployment involves creating two EC2 instances, setting up a load balancer, and running the application on AWS. The web app displays the user's browser agent information.

Project Overview


The repository contains the following key components:

  • Dockerfile: Defines the Docker container for the Flask application.
  • The main application file for the Flask server.
  • Terraform configuration file for deploying resources to AWS.
  • GitHub Actions Workflow: Automated CI/CD pipeline to build and deploy the Docker container to AWS.
  • Templates: Directory containing index.html with a simple UI for the Flask app.


  • Automated Deployment: Uses GitHub Actions to build the Docker image and deploy it to AWS.
  • Load Balancer: Configured with AWS to manage traffic between two EC2 instances.
  • Flask App: A simple Flask application that shows the user's browser agent.

Repository Structure

.github/workflows/       # Contains the GitHub Actions workflow file for deployment
templates/               # Contains HTML templates for the Flask application
Dockerfile               # Docker configuration for building the container image                   # Main application file for the Flask app                  # Terraform configuration for AWS resources
requirements.txt         # Python dependencies for the Flask app