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A different take on the same thing

Got my very first RaspberryPi almost a year ago with which I started my self-hosting journey! This has definitely been a fun ride!
All of the services are being run on a single RPi 4 4GB. The Pi is definitely handling all this much better than I expected.
Dashboard: Homer
Edit: Homer theme I used
AdGuard Home - Local dns and ad-blocking
Portainer - docker container management
Cockpit - pi management and stats
Monitoring dashboard using grafana - Beautiful Graphs!
Nginx proxy manager - proxy and ssl for services using my domain
Tailscale VPN - for remote access
Photoview - photo/video gallery
VS-Code - for quicly editing config files and other things
Vaultwarden - password manager
File Browser & Samba - file access over the network
Plex - media server
Uptime Kuma - monitoring services
Dozzle - realtime docker logs
WhoIsHomeUI - tracking hosts connected to network
Speedtest Tracker - internet speed tracking
OpenSpeedtest - local speedtest server
rclone - rclone gui
n8n - workflow automation (like zapier)
Snippet Box - for quick access to code snippets
I followed this playlist for setting up most of the services.
More info and portainer app template available on this website